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Get Into Geerz.

My Profile

// Last year’s GIG, working on physical and mental wellness for myself and countless others!

Total raised for Geerz since 2022: $9,115

2024 $3,597
2023 $1,945
2022 $3,573

David Zaray-Mizrahi


Participating In honor of My Amazing Father, Who Showed ME How To Be Strong!

Participating in The Get Into Geerz Two-Day Ride 2025

My Fundraising Goal: $3600

$0 (0%)

Why I'm Participating

Now, more than ever, taking care of our physical and mental health has taken center stage. I’m no exception. Working from home means making a conscious effort not to be sedentary. But no demographic could have benefited more from the lessons taught by Geerz than adolescents and young adults who suffered the most from mental health as a result of this pandemic. We need to teach our kids how to be resilient during challenging times. That’s why I’m riding for Geerz. For myself, I’m pushing myself out the door to reach a goal. For my kids, I’m setting an example. And for all those other kids, I’m empowering Geerz to help make them more resilient.

No donation is too small (or too big)! Please sponsor my ride!