Conquering Challenges,
One Trail at a Time.

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Gavri Slasky


Participating in The Get Into Geerz Two-Day Ride 2025

My Fundraising Goal: $3600. Raised: $1677

$1677 (47%)

Why I'm Participating

Dear Friends,For several years now, I have been an avid supporter of a unique organization named Geerz, which you have generously supported.  In addition to its regular programming of which I have written to you about in the past, Geerz has opened many new groups in response to urgent wartime requests from many communities where so many kids are suffering from significant PTSD.   Geerz has trained its staff to enable them to address the unique challenges Israeli kids are struggling in these extraordinarily trying times.  The results have been phenomenal and there are dozens of testimonials from parents attesting to the powerful impact Geerz is having on their kids.“Our eldest joined the ‘Geerz family’ in Beit Shemesh every Friday… Our son would return from the rides full of strength and joy, sharing experiences and excited to see the videos and photos that the instructor would send. The feeling of security and ... More