Conquering Challenges,
One Trail at a Time.

My Profile


Total raised for Geerz since 2023: $27,754

2024 $14,668
2023 $13,086

Shmuel Bonomo


Participating in The Get Into Geerz Two-Day Ride 2025

My Fundraising Goal: $3600

$0 (0%)

Why I'm Participating

Hello Friends After 40 years of hard work in the Hi Tec international business development, I retired and decided to dedicate my life to volunteering work for good causes. As soon as I heard about Geerz and their raison d'etre, I decided to join the organization as a volunteer staff member. For the last 7 months I have been leading young kids' groups as instructor in therapeutic mountain biking as part of the Geerz unique program. Therefore, I can testify from firsthand that everything Geerz writes about the need, what we do, how it works and why it succeeds is 100% correct. Financing these activities require a lot of money. The main income of funds come from the annual charity bike ride GIG - Get Into Geerz. This year's GIG will see 100 riders, including myself, riding very hard for 2 days, sponsored by friends, family, community members, acquaintances, colleagues, business ... More