Conquering Challenges,
One Trail at a Time.

Sponsor Daniel Sokol for The Get Into Geerz Two-Day Ride 2025

Please fill out the form below to make your 100% tax deductible donation. Donations are tax deductible in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and Israel. Please donate in the currency of the country where you would like your tax deduction.

Click here if you would like to donate other than by credit card or in a currency that does not appear below.
* Required field
*First Name
Married couples: put in both first names, e.g. Yossi and Shira
*Last Name
Mobile Phone
*Mailing Address
Please be sure to use the address which appears on your credit card.
If not applicable, select the "non-USA/Canada" option.
Zip/Postal Code
Your Personal Message
*Receipt Type
Please note that our third-party secure payment page DOES NOT accept Israeli AMEX or Israeli Diners credit cards
Some donors have reported difficulties on the Paypal website. For the easiest user experience:
(a) On the first paypal screen, use the option "Donate with Debit or Credit Card".
(b) On the second paypal screen, leave the checkbox "Save this information for next time." unchecked.
If you have any issues, you can reach us at Thank you!
*Card Type
*Card Number
*Verification Code
This is the 3 or 4 digit number printed on the back
signature panel. It is on the front of the card for AMEX
*Expiration Date
*Cardholder's First Name
*Cardholder's Last Name