Conquering Challenges,
One Trail at a Time.

My Profile


Total raised for Geerz since 2024: $4,265

2024 $4,265

Jonathan Neuhof


Participating in The Get Into Geerz Two-Day Ride 2025

My Fundraising Goal: $3600

$0 (0%)

Why I'm Participating

On April 8th & 9th, I will be biking in the northern mountains of Israel on a two-day 70km mountain bike ride in order to raise funds for a unique organization named Geerz which I have been volunteering at every week for the past 7 months. Geerz literally transforms the lives of hundreds of Israeli kids through a highly innovative therapeutic mountain biking program. Geerz has created a customized curriculum to develop communication, self-confidence, problem solving and team-work. Geerz operates its therapeutic mountain biking programs throughout Israel, which includes where I live in Ramat Beit Shemesh, but also surrounding cities, including the Gaza periphery, but more specifically in youth villages/orphanages. In addition to its regular programming, Geerz has opened many new groups in response to urgent wartime requests from many communities and youth villages where kids have been suffering from war related issues such as PTSD. Much focus has ... More